Art Life Practice Blog

Your destination for all things related to art, culture, and creativity. From artist spotlights and to how-to guides to articles on the science of art and wellness, our goal is always to inspire by way of educating.

Stanley Whitney Inspired Grid Postcards

Stanley Whitney Inspired Grid Postcards

Contemporary artist Stanley Whitney (b. 1946) is most known for his vibrant abstract grid paintings. Drawing inspiration from sources ranging from artist Piet Mondrian to quilt-making, Stanley creates richly colored...
Watercolor Explorations

Watercolor Explorations

The ways to experiment with watercolor are endless. Here are just a few ways to play with watercolor, creating unique textures and effects along the way.  Water blooms Lay down...
How To: Intro to Watercolor

How To: Intro to Watercolor

There are many ways to approach watercolor and we want to share a few introductory techniques that you can experiment with as you begin your creative practice.  Wet on Wet  This...